Christian Counseling

Christian Therapist in Orange County


How do I know if Christian Counseling is what I’m looking for?

  • If your faith is important to you

  • If you would welcome your therapist to openly integrate the word of God

  • If you would welcome prayer in your therapy session

  • If you want to invite the help of the Holy Spirit in the therapy room

    Then finding a provider who provides counseling from a Christian perspective is important to you. All of our providers at New Beginnings are Christians who are passionate about integrating their faith in their work with their clients. They are qualified providers who are comfortable with incorporating scripture, prayer, as well as their clinical knowledge into the therapy room. They have experienced Christ-centered, scripture-based, healing and hope from therapy.

1 Peter 2:9-10 NKJV shares: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”.

Christian approach to Therapy

We define Christian Counseling as the integration of biblical truths and psychology.

In our approach to therapy, we are committed to using the word of God, the bible as appropriate along with our clinical expertise into the therapy room.

We believe that the bible, is the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit… Hebrews 4:12

We strive to do what the Bible commands us and that is: to “bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” … 2 Corinthians 10:5 and to commit daily to “be transformed by the renewing of our mind”… Romans 12:2. These two verses remind us to bring every thought into captivity and to renew our mind. These verses align well with one of the evidenced based modalities in psychology that we utilize in therapy and that is:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which focuses on challenging negative thoughts and cognitive distortions. CBT has been found to be effective for treating anxiety and depression.

The Cognitive Behavioral Triangle focuses on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Thus, we typically focus on helping our clients address their intrusive negative thoughts so then their feelings and behaviors change as well. To challenge negative thoughts, we first encourage our clients to journal or log their thoughts so they can become familiar with their thought patterns. We find this exercise helpful because it brings awareness to what our thoughts are. We then spend time understanding how we developed those negative thoughts.  

We have found most of the negative thoughts were developed in childhood and thus are deeply ingrained. But once we understand what our thoughts are and where they stem from then we can work towards changing them. But we first must recognize the negative thoughts we have and want to work towards changing them. 

Christian Counseling is NOT the use of words to promote an agenda. It is not the use of terms to condemn, guilt, or shame people to read or pray more.

Whether you believe in the word of God or not, that doesn’t change the fact that we are all flooded with negative and intrusive thoughts daily. These thoughts if not addressed can limit you from reaching your goals. They can keep you from having the relationship (s) you desire with others. Negative thoughts can keep you discouraged and fearful that these thoughts you ruminate on may become a reality. Which is why it is important to address the negative thoughts in our head.

Why is Christian Counseling Important?

Christian Counseling is the integration of the word of God along with clinical knowledge. Christian Counseling is important because it allows us to incorporate the word of God in a thoughtful manner and can help bring a client into a closer relationship with God which can lead them to receive their healing.

Are you ready to start Therapy and incorporate the Christian faith, scripture, and prayer?

Our Team is ready to meet with you, contact us today to get started!